Pest-man-final“Even if you keep your home extremely clean, there is still a chance that a bed bug infestation could take place. If you have found yourself with a bed bug infestation, you’re probably wondering how you acquired it”

How do homes end up with bed bug infestation?

Bed bugs can become present in many different ways and in the most inopportune moments & places.  Even if you keep your home extremely clean, a bed bug infestation could occur almost anywhere. It can be as simple as visiting a place that may have a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs cannot jump or fly, however they can attach themselves onto your clothing, your suitcases or even purses. Once they are they, they will find a place to hind until you introduce them back to your home.

Another common way of allowing bed bugs into your home that you must consider is purchasing used furniture from someone who may have a bed bug problem. This doesn’t just have to be a bed or sofa, but could be as simple as a nightstand, coffee table, or even a lamp.

Do you live in an apartment, town-house or condo? If so, there is the potential to get bed bugs from your neighbors as the bed bugs can move through the shared walls or even between the ceilings and floors of stacked units.

Bed bugs infestations are most commonly found in homes, condos/apartments, dorm rooms and hotels however a bed bug problem can occur almost anywhere. They have also been known to occur in:

  • Office buildings
  • Schools
  • Libraries
  • Movie theaters
  • Restaurants
  • Care facilities
  • Shelters

…and many other public places.

How does a bed bug infestation spread so quickly?

It only takes 1 pregnant female bed bug to start a horrible infestation situation. These pests are hitchhikers and once introduced to your home they will seek out areas closest to a blood meal. This is generally in your couch or bed. Once this suitable spot is found, the female will begin laying eggs and feeding as often as possible. The infestation will quickly amplify after the first eggs hatch.

Once this occurs, the outbreak will rapidly spread throughout the house. The reason behind this is once another female bed bug becomes pregnant, she will leave the original nesting spot and begin to lay eggs elsewhere in effort to avoid the other males. The female bed bug will remain pregnant through her entire life. It is this development of multiple bed bug nests throughout your home that can lead to a serious infestation within a matter of weeks.

A female bed bug has the ability to lay up to five eggs each day, with a maximum of about 500 eggs throughout its lifetime, and it only takes approximately 10 days for bed bug eggs to hatch. In just a few short weeks you could easily have over 200 hungry bed bugs. This why it’s vital that you have a bed bug infestation treated as quickly as possible. The sooner you can kill the eggs and bugs, the sooner you can rest assured your home is completely free of them.

Many times a bed bug infestation will go undiscovered for several weeks or even months. Often people think the irritation of their skin is the result of allergies or another source and will visit a doctor. Usually by the time they realize it is bed bugs, the infestation has spread to all of the rooms within the house.

If you are looking for a treatment method that will completely eliminate bed bugs and eggs from being in your home, then you should consider heat treatment. This type of method has been proven again and again to be only way to 100% get rid of bed bugs. Serving the Mesa and surrounding areas, we are proud to offer heat treatment as one of our bed bug treatment options. We have seen time and time again just how pesky these pests can be, and we strive to provide a great experience with us each and every time we come into your home.

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